Her Majesty Queen Máxima of The Netherlands visited the LG Sonic headquarters on Thursday 17th of February. As member of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship, the Queen discussed innovation and scaling up green businesses during the visit.
Her Majesty visited LG Sonic for the successes in treating an environmental issue that affects people’s lives and businesses around the globe. Harmful algal blooms pollute water sources, damage the aquaculture industry and cause human illnesses when exposed to algae toxins.
The queen was introduced to the LG Sonic MPC-Buoy and MPC-View software to showcase how LG Sonic controls algal blooms using ultrasound and big data. Her Majesty Queen Máxima was invited to demonstrate the ease of access to water quality data through the software. With just a few mouse clicks, Her Majesty optimized algae treatment of a project on the other side of the world.
In the innovation labratorium, Her Majesty got an exclusive sneak peek into the future of water treatment. The in-house developed vertical profiling and phosphate monitoring were demonstrated. These technologies allow customers to have exclusive data insights into their water quality and apply treatment accordingly.
In a round table discussion, the Queen discussed the challenges green scale-ups experience when their businesses are growing across different countries and industries. They discussed how scaling up a sustainable hardware business is time consuming and expensive whereas customers expect success fast.
The Queen made the time to talk with many of the LG Sonic team members. Her Majesty was impressed with the team’s energy and unity in solving one of the biggest environmental problems. The whole team of LG Sonic is grateful for the visit of Her Majesty Queen Máxima. The day is a highlight in the company’s history and adds even more determination to the company mission: deliver smart solutions to fight water pollution and reduce harmful chemical usage in the water treatment industry.
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